Event details
Conference: Special Issue of Asian Business & Management
Deadline for submissions has passed. [15 December 2015]
Guest Editors:
Dr. Lutao Ning, Queen Mary University of London, UK L.Ning@qmul.ac.uk
Dr. Dylan Sutherland, Durham University, UK Dylan.sutherland@durham.ac.uk
Prof. Xiaolan Fu, University of Oxford, UK xiaolan.fu@qeh.ox.ac.uk
Asian Business & Management is organizing a special issue on innovation in China. We invite research that can deepen our understanding of how Chinese firms innovate and compete in a rapidly changing domestic and international environment.
For further details about the special issue, please see conference website
or the Asian Business & Management website.
To support this special issue, we are also organising a conference in China. Shortlisted papers will be invited to participate in the conference (15-16 April 2016 (TBC)). Although attendance is not mandatory, it will provide an opportunity for further feedback and paper development.
Deadline for submissions has passed. [15 December 2015]. Paper acceptance notification for the conference: 15 January 2016. Conference date: 15-16 April 2016 (TBC).