Implementation of IDMODEL project continues despite COVID-19 pandemic
The IDMODEL project team has implemented new, innovative and proactive ways of mitigating the negative consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on the project. They rolled out a new national online survey reaching about 528 app users to understand the impact of the pandemic on the IDMODEL’s Haate Haat usage.
They also institutionalised the IDMODEL Friday Check-In, a weekly online event where the network engages with stakeholders, in particular women, youth and migrants mainly from Bangladesh, on how the Haate Haat could be useful to them and also get their input on how the platform can be enhanced. The dissemination of weekly Friday updates on all activities has become a key source of information for the network.
The team has also published a policy brief which summarises the main findings and key policy recommendations emanating from the China ‘Kuaishou’ and Bangladesh ‘Haate Haat’ cases. The brief incorporates the views of key stakeholders including Kuaishou and respondents in both countries on how to overcome digital challenges and seize the opportunities presented by new digital models and technologies in developing countries. You can download the policy brief here.

TMCD DILIC project continues to make policy impact
The TMCD Diffusion of Innovation in Low – Income countries (DILIC) project was recently featured in a synthesis report titled ‘Innovation and economic transformation in low-income countries: a new body of evidence’ published by the Department for International Development (currently Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office) and Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Growth Research Programme (DEGRP) on innovation. The synthesis focused on DEGRP studies of the highest quality which have had significant exposure and public discussion.
Led by Professor Xiaolan Fu, the DILIC project combined broader cross-country analyses and a narrower focus on Ghana to explore the determinants and transmission channels for effective innovation creation, diffusion and adoption in low-income countries (LICs) under institutional, financial and human resources constraints. Based on the DILIC research, Professor Xiaolan Fu was invited to join the 10-member high level advisory group of the Technology Facilitation Mechanism (TFM) and to lead the independent technical assessment which informed the design and development of the United Nations 2030 Connect platform. You can visit the platform here.
Professor Xiaolan Fu publishes policy paper on novel innovation in China
In May 2020, Professor Xiaolan Fu published a policy paper in Chinese with several policy recommendations on how to strengthen China’s capability in novel innovation. These include encouraging freedom in thinking and creating a market for ideas; developing a highly open national innovation system; reforming education system and encouraging critical thinking; introducing competition neutral innovation policy; reforming science, technology and innovation system, in particular reforming funding management, talents appraisal policies and strengthening the support to basic research. The paper is published in Chinese by The intellectuals, and republished in the here in the Caixin Magazine.
TMCD receives Facebook research award
TMCD has recently been granted a Facebook Research Award to work on a project titled 'Digital Citizenship in Turkey'. We shall publish a Whitepaper analysing different aspects of digital citizenship with a special emphasis on hate speech, fake news and political disinformation campaign. This 3-month project shall be led by Professor Xiaolan Fu and Dr Emre Eren Korkmaz. We shall work with INGEV (Human Development Foundation) located in Turkey.
TMCD Valuation of Patents and Start-ups in the Pharmaceutical Industry (MED-VEST) project
The Valuation of Patents and Start-ups in the Pharmaceutical Industry (MED-VEST) project is the second phase of the Valuation of Early-Stage Technology Project (VEST) project. With an emphasis on medical inventions, MED-VEST project aims to develop both theoretical and empirical models of valuation of early-stage patents and start-ups in the pharmaceutical industry. This project is supported by the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) Oxford Institute (COI). The project was launched in 2020 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2021. Rong Dai is the Research Officer for the project.
The 5th China-UK Innovation and Development Forum
We are pleased to announce that ‘The 5th China-UK Innovation and Development Forum’ will take place virtually at 11:00 - 13:30 London time (18:00 – 20:30 Beijing time) on Tuesday, 20th October, 2020. The theme of this year’s forum is 'China-UK Innovation Cooperation in the Post-pandemic era’. The organisation of this year’s Forum is led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Technology for Development (CASTED) of the Ministry of Science and Technology while TMCD remains a Co-organizer.

Covid-19 pandemic speaking engagements
In the past several months, Prof. Xiaolan Fu has spoken at many events and meetings sharing her reflections on the impacts of the pandemic on the global economy. She has spoken about the role of digital technology in post-pandemic recovery; the impact of the pandemic on Global Value Chains (GVCs) and on developing countries as well as the importance of global collaboration for post-Covid innovation. You can listen to some of these speeches, here, here, here and here. |
Fu, X. and Ghauri, P. (2020), Trade in Intangibles and the Global Trade Imbalance. The World Economy.
Fu, X.M., Bao, Q., Xie, H. and Fu, X. (2020) Diffusion of industrial robotics and inclusive growth: Labour market evidence from cross country data. Journal of Business Research.
Corsi, S., Fu, X. and Kulzer-Sacilotto, C. (2020) Boundary spanning roles in cross-border university-industry collaboration: the case of Chinese multinational corporations. R&D management.
Fu, X. (2020) Digital transformation of global value chains and sustainable post-pandemic recovery. Transnational Corporation , 27(2).
Fu, X., Buckley, P.J. and Fu, X.M., (2020) The Growth Impact of Chinese Direct Investment on Host Developing Countries. International Business Review, 29(2), p.101658.
Shi, L., Li, S. and Fu, X. (2020) The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Technology Innovation and Firm Wages: Empirical Evidence from OECD Economies. 1ssue 169, Revue d'économie industrielle (Review of Industrial Economics)
Li, S., Liu, G.S. & Gregoriou, A. (2020) Do more mergers and acquisitions create value for shareholders?. Rev Quant Finan Acc
Avenyo, E.K., Konte, M. & Mohnen, P. (2020) Product innovation and informal market competition in sub-Saharan Africa. J Evol Econ
Avenyo, E.K., Francois, J.N. and Zinyemba, T.P. (2020) COVID-19, lockdowns, and Africa’s informal sector: lessons from Ghana. UNU-MERIT Working paper, #2020-028
Balde, R., Boly, M. and Avenyo, E. (2020) Labour market effects of COVID-19 in sub-Saharan Africa: an informality lens from Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal. UNU-MERIT Working paper, #2020 – 022
Mamum, S.M. (2020) Blue economy and the circuitry of the circle. TMCD Working paper series: TMCD-WP-81
Mayer, J. (2020) Development strategies for middle income countries in the digital world-impacts from trade costs, data and innovation policies. TMCD Working paper series: TMCD-WP-80 |
Dr Emre Eren Korkmaz recently joined TMCD as a Researcher on the Facebook project. He is a political scientist and international relations expert who has been working as an academic at the University of Oxford since October 2016.
Dr Rong Dai joined the TMCD in September 2020 as a research officer. She works on the Valuation of Patents and Start-ups in the Pharmaceutical Industry (MED-VEST) project. She received her Ph.D. in development economics from the Graduate Institute (IHEID), where she conducted applied microeconomic studies
TMCD bids goodbye to Jörg Mayer, Senior Economist at the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development (UNCTAD), who recently completed his time at the centre.