More than 43000 people worldwide join the IDMODEL project concluding conference
On the 25th of February 2022, the concluding conference of the Inclusive Digital Model (IDMODEL) project was held online to report the research outcomes with an audience of more than 43,000 people. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Professor Muhammad Yunus was the special guest at the event who delivered the keynote speech, commending the impact of the IDMODEL project and the role of technology in accelerating inclusive development. You can learn more about the conference here and watch the discussions here.
Launch of 'The Oxford Handbook of China Innovation
On the 10th of July 2022, there was a remote launch event for “The Oxford Handbook of China Innovation” which was broadcast simultaneously as part of the 22nd International Schumpeter Society Conference. This book brings together over sixty experts from universities and research institutions worldwide to describe and analyze China’s emergence as a technologically advanced world power.. This book should be a useful tool for people working with or in China. You can purchase a copy or learn more about the book here.
Prof Xiaolan Fu, speaks at the UN and other international conferences on industrialization, diversification and the digitization of services
Earlier this year, Prof Fu joined the informal interactive dialogue on the future of commodity markets organized by UNCTAD and UNGA, where she discussed the role of the state in developing technological capabilities for upgrading and promoting economic diversification in commodity-dependent LDCs.
Relatedly, at the 25th session of the UN’s Commission on Science and Technology for Development, she shared her insights on the 4th industrial revolution and how it can be used to foster inclusive development. Learn more about these remarks here.
Recently, she delivered keynote speeches on how the digitalization of services influences trade and development. These events include the Global Digital Economy Conference 2022 opened at the China National Convention Center in Beijing and the UNCTAD multi-year expert meeting on Trade, Services and Development.
At these events, she stressed the role of services in structural transformation, economic diversification and in driving post-pandemic economic recovery. You can learn more about her remarks here.
Innovation and Catch-up in platform (ICPE) Project progressing well
Given the increasing importance of digital platforms in economic development, TMCD is working on an exciting project, to analyze the lessons from a major digital technology company’s innovation story, especially its success in technological catch-up, product innovation, and ecosystem development. Work is progressing well and initial findings were presented at the British Academy of Management and EURAM Conferences in 2022.
The findings from the study will contribute to our understanding of innovation strategy and management in internet companies. They will also offer valuable managerial and policy implications for other latecomer firms in both the developing and developed countries.
Fu, X. (with Chen, J. and McKern, B.) (2021) ‘Oxford Handbook of China Innovation’ (eds.) Oxford University Press.
Zeng, S. A. Tanveer, X. Fu, Y. Gu, M. Irfan, (2022) Modeling the influence of critical factors on the adoption of green energy technologies, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, V. 168.
Fu, X., Fu, X.M., Ghauri, P. and Hou, J. (2022) International collaboration and innovation: Evidence from a leading Chinese multinational enterprise. Journal of World Business 57 (4), 101329.
Fu, X., Ghauri, P., Ogbonna, N. and Xing, X. (2022) Platform-based business model and entrepreneurs form the base of the pyramid. Technovation, 102451.
Ghauri, P., Fu, X. And Minayora, A. (2022) Digital technology-based entrepreneurial pursuit of the marginalised communities. Journal of International Management 28 (2), 100948.
Li, J., Assche, V.A, Fu, x., Li, L. and Qian, G. (2022) The belt and road initiative and international business policy: a kaleidoscopic perspective. Journal of International Business Policy 5, 135-151.
Fu, X. and Shi, L. (2022) Direction of innovation in developing countries and its driving forces. WIPO Economic Research Working Paper No. 69.
Ding, X., Fu, X., and Yang, Z. (2022) Open innovation and resource flexibility in times of crisis: the role of firm characteristics. Working paper accepted by the AOM annual meeting, EURAM annual meeting, BAM annual conference, and R&D management conference.
Fu, X. and Ding, X. (2022) Intra firm coopetition and innovation performance—employee level evidence. Working paper accepted by the 2022 BAM annual conference and 2022 R&D management conference.
Fu, X. and Liu, D. (2022) Valuation of Early-stage Technology via Machine Learning: An Application to the UK Biopharmaceutical Startups. Working paper accepted by EURAM annual meeting, AOM annual meeting and British Academy of Management (BAM) annual meeting.
Liu, D. and Fang, Z. (2022) Identify Patent Value Using Semi-Supervised Topic Modelling: An Application in Synthetic Biology, with Zheng Fang. Working paper accepted by Economic of Financial Technology conference, R&D Management Conference, BAM annual meeting, European Policy of Intellectual Property (EPIP) annual conference.
Liu, D. (2022) How Sleeping Patents Can Be Used? Working paper accepted by the European Financial Management Association (EFMA) conference, Financial Management Association (FMA) European conference 2022 and the European Policy of Intellectual Property (EPIP) 2022 annual conference. |
TMCD welcomes the following new members:
Wei Wei, who is the Research Officer on the Innovation and Catch Up in the Platform Economy (ICPE) Project.
Fandi Achmad and Genevieve Smith, Dphil students researching digital technologies and Fintech.
We bid farewell to Jianan Lu, Xuechen Ding and Du Liu who have completed their roles as Research Officers at TMCD