TMCD Newsletter, Winter 2013
Newsletter Highlights
• The Diffusion of Innovation in Low Income Countries (DILIC) Project
• Collaborative Innovation in China Research Project
• How does the importance of incentives change when firms become more open in innovation?
By Prof Xiaolan Fu
• Collaborating with foreign universities will help radical innovation in developing countries
By Prof Xiaolan Fu
• Mobile, radio and ICT in agriculture
By Dr Giacomo Zanello
• Findings from firm level survey in Guangdong on Chinese outward direct investment
• ODID's TMCD Signs MoU for Joint Research with Chinese Academy of Sciences Centre
• TMCD co-hosts the Oxford Forum on China and the World Economy
• Fu, X. (ed) (2011) China’s Role in Global Economic Recovery, Abingdon: Routledge
• Fu, X., Kaplinsky, R. and Zhang, J. (2012) ‘The impact of China on low and middle income countries’ export prices in industrial-country markets’, World Development, 40 (8): 1483-1496
• Fu, X. Pietrobelli, C. and Soete, L. (2011) ‘The role of foreign technology and indigenous innovation in emerging economies: technological change and catch-up’, World Development, 39 (7): 1203-1212
Forthcoming Events
• TMCD and Saïd Business School Joint Workshops, January and March 2013
• ODID and TMCD Distinguished Guest Lecture with Victor Zhang, CEO Huawei UK, 7 February 2013
• Annual Conference for the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (AIE 2013)