
Women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh join Haate Haat app check-in event

About 100 women from 64 districts in Bangladesh joined the Haate Haat app Check-In event held on Thursday, the 17th of August 2020. The Friday Check-Ins, held on Zoom, are organised to connect with our App users and friends in Bangladesh and to learn about their experiences using the App. The Haate Haat App was developed by the project team in collaboration with the SBK Foundation. 

Sonia Kabir, Founder & Chairman of the SBK Foundation introduced members of the group to the general audience while Professor Xiaolan Fu who is the principal investigator of the IDModel project introduced the project and the app to the rest of the participants. The platform was then showed to the group after which they provided their feedback and possible applications of the app to their activities. 

Find out more about the IDMODEL Project here.