TMCD Newsletter 2 - Summer 2013
You can access to the full version here (PDF).
New Research Funding Awards
·EC FP7 € 2.5m Award to MNEmerge Project on MNEs and Development
·John Fell Fund Award to TMD-led cross-departmental collaborative research on Mobile Technologies and Health
·British Academy Award to a TMD and Tsinghua University joint research project on The Role of Internationalisation in Technological Capability Upgrading in Developing Countries
·Cairncross Foundation Award to TMD on Innovation in and for the Base of Pyramid in China
·TMCD to host Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 29-30 August in Oxford
·TMCD co-hosted Oxford China Policy Forum with OXCEP in June
·CEO of Huawei Technologies (UK & Ireland) gave Distinguished Guest Lecture on ‘Huawei Story’
Research Highlights
·TMCD research on ‘The drivers of export upgrading’ published in World Development
·Prof Xiaolan Fu discusses the Policy Choices to Boost Innovation Capabilities in China
·Innovation Under the Radar in Low Income Countries: DILIC project findings from fieldwork in Ghana
TMCD Centre News
·Prof Xiaolan Fu Speaks at the UNCTAD Multi-year Inter-governmental Meeting
·Prof Xiaolan Fu interviewed by media on Chinese investment in Africa
·Dr Proochista Arianna and the Mhealth project team won Fell Fund award
·Dr Giacomo Zanello Attends UNU-WIDER Conference
·Prof Xiaolan Fu elected Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies
·Fu, Xiaolan (forthcoming), China's Path to Innovation, Cambridge University Press. (Monograph)
·Fu, Xiaolan (with S Zhu) (2013) 'Drivers of Export Upgrading', World Development, vol 51, 221-233
·Fu, Xiaolan (with H Xiong and J Li) (forthcoming) 'Open innovation as a response to constrains and risks and the moderating role of ownership’, Asian Economic Papers
·Fu, Xiaolan (with S Heffernan, M X Fu) (2013) 'Financial innovation in the UK', Applied Economics, 45 (24), 3400-3411
·Fu, Xiaolan (2013) '‘Computerisation and efficiency of rural credit cooperatives: evidence from India’, Journal of International Development, 2013, 25 (3), 412–437
·Zanello, Giacomo (with C.S. Srinivasan and B. Shankar) (2013) “Rural-urban disparities in child nutrition in Bangladesh and Nepal”, BMC Public Health, 13 (581). doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-13-581
Working Papers
·Determinants and Impact of Outward Direct Investment from China: Evidence from a Firm-level Survey in Guangdong Province, SLPTMD-WP-049, (Xiaolan Fu, Suyu Liu and Tieli Li)
·Multi-dimensional Complementarities and the Growth Impact of Direct Investment from China on Host Countries, SLPTMD-WP-050, (Xiaolan Fu)
·Information sources, ICTs and price information in rural agricultural markets, SLPTMD-WP-051, (Giacomo Zanello and C. S. Srinivasan)
·Beyond the ‘Creative’ Side of Innovation: Exploring Outcomes of Firm-level Innovation Capability Building, SLPTMD-WP-052, (Paulo N. Figueiredo and Saulo Gomes)
·Can a Lagging Country Benefit from Strengthening Intellectual Property Rights Protection to Gain Technology Spillovers from FDI?, SLPTMD-WP-053, (Xianzhong Yi)
·Complementarity between internal knowledge creation and external knowledge sourcing in developing countries, SLPTMD-WP-054, (Jun Hou and Pierre Mohnen)