6th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entreprenership Proceedings: Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Inclusive and Sustainable Development
The 6th Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference was held in Oxford on 29-30 August 2013. The AIE has a lively tradition of collegial engagement on important research and policy issues, and the conference in Oxford continued that tradition.
The conference theme this year was “Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Inclusive and Sustainable Development”. Long recognised as a key driver for growth and competitiveness in developed economies, innovation and entrepreneurship are now summoned to address the needs of the poor and the needs of sustainable development. Concerns about widening inequalities and about how to combat climate change and resource limitation are at the top of many governments policy agendas.
This year’s AIE Conference featured prominent speakers from academia, business sector and international organisations as well as high quality research panels. The wide-ranging parallel sessions covered 9 major topics and 44 sub-themes that reflected the focus of AIE 2013. The conference also featured several distinguished panel sessions that shared valuable inputs and included the participation of world leading experts from various universities and major international organisations such as OECD, UNCTAD, UNIDO and WIPO.