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TMCD hosts the inaugural Sino-UK Innovation and Development Forum

Find out more about the inaugural 2016 Forum here

Dr. Shaheen Akter presents MNEmerge paper at Innovation Conference Ghana 2016

Dr. Shaheen Akter presented an MNEmerge paper prepared by Professor Xiaolan Fu and herself at the Innovation Conference Ghana (ICGhana 2016) on 27 September 2016. The paper was…

TMCD hosts successful Huawei seminar

On 5 October, 2016, TMCD hosted a high-level seminar featuring the world's largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer, Huawei Technologies. Founded in 1987 and based in Shenzhen, China,…

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Professor Xiaolan Fu gives keynote speech at CICALICS Academy

Professor Xiaolan Fu of TMCD was featured as a keynote speaker at the 2016 China Innovation Circles and Academy - Learning, Innovation and Competence Systems (CICALICS) Workshop. 

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Professor Fu joins the Leadership Council of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network

Professor Fu has been invited to join the Leadership Council of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

In 2012, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon launched the UN…

TMCD's Xiaolan Fu co-authored paper ranked "Most Cited Article" in World Development

World Development - a top journal on International Development Studies has revealed its most cited articles…

Professor Xiaolan Fu appointed to Governing Council of the UN Technology Bank by UN Secretary General

TMCD director Professor Xiaolan Fu has been appointed by the Secretary General Ban Ki Moon to the Governing Council of the UN Technology Bank.

The Technology Bank was established following…

Professor Xiaolan Fu speaks at the first annual STI Forum and interviews with China Daily

TMCD Director Professor Xiaolan Fu partcipated as a moderator of the first annual multi-stakeholder Science, Technology and Innovation Forum at the UN. Progress in science, technology and…